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谷歌: The luxury sales crashed whereabouts central to tighten spending public funds
百度: The centraltighteningpublic money consumptionafterluxury salesare dropping
必应: Luxury sales fell after the Central tightening spending of public funds where
爱词霸:The central tightening public money consumption after luxury sales are dropping
海词: Luxury sales fell after the Central tightening spending of public funds where
有道: The luxury goods sales answer whereabouts after tightening public consumption
金桥: After central authority tightens up public money consumption, articles of luxury sells amounts dropping at the sound of
新闻标题的翻译有其特殊性,如时态以一般现在时为主、冠词等虚词常可省略等,因而译文中出现些许问题也情有可原,但是上述的不少翻译结构混乱,语句不通,对学习者起到的更多是误导作用。那么这样的标题该怎么译呢?其实,上述的翻译中有不少参考借鉴之处,尤其是海词的翻译,如“奢侈品销量”可译作“luxury sales”,“公款消费”可译作“spending of public funds”等。但“中央”的翻译都很成问题,central的确可以用作名词,表示“电话总局”、“总办事处”等意思,可是不能被视作Party Central Committee的缩略。由此,这个标题可试译作“Luxury sales fall as central committee reins in spending of public fund”。当然,我们也可以用其他更为地道的表述,如Luxury sales hitting speed bumps amid tighter rein on spending of public funds。
若是翻译一般的语句效果又会如何呢?试看一汉英词典中例句“我跑了好几条街道才找到这个商店”(I walked about several blocks before I found the shop)的译文:
谷歌:I ran several streets to find this shop
百度:I ran several streets to find the shop
必应:I ran quite a few streets to find the shop
爱词霸:I ran several streets to find the shop
海词:I ran quite a few streets to find the shop
有道:I run for several streets to find the shop
金桥:I have run neighbourhood severally finding this shop just now
从上述译文可以看出,自动生成的网络翻译主要以字面直译为主,上例中的“跑=run”、“街道=street”就是典型的例子。但一旦遇到一些包含习语、熟语、多义词等的句子的时候,机器翻译的弊端就被暴露无遗。试看《朗文当代高级英语辞典》中例句“The Pentagon's been left with egg on its face”(五角大楼丢尽了脸)的翻译:
类似成问题的网络翻译竟然也出现在一些网络词典中。这些网络词典提供所谓的“海量例句”,而其中的不少例句就是直接从网上获取的,因而有好多例句的译文值得商榷。例如,有道词典的microblog条下收有这么一个例句:Sina used to be a portal site with a microblog. Today, Sina is a social network with a portal site. 新浪过去是一个带个微博的门户网站,现在,新浪是一个带个门户网站的社会网络。将“social network”(社交网络)直译为“社会网络”显然是错误的。在目前下载较多的一些词典应用(dictionary apps)中,类似的问题也层出不穷。例如,欧路词典据说是安卓系统上最好用的离线词典软件,然而在其英语常用例句库中,不仅一些英语例句的译文错误较多,而且有不少还是英汉颠倒的,也就是说一些英文例句最初是从汉语翻译过去的,如“Internet make people more intimity or alienation网络使人更亲近/更疏远”等。